Another Year, Another Half Birthday!

Holy moly… Three and a half!


Seriously, when did my little tiny baby turn into such an awesome *child*?! I can’t call him a toddler or a baby. And that’s pretty darned heartbreaking.

The stats :
Height – 39.5″ tall
Weight – 33lbs

Someone finally gained some weight (and kept it on!) We’ve been bouncing around 29-30lbs for months now…


Favorites :
Meal – Pizza
Fruit – Blueberries
Animal – Dogs
Toy – Lego and Duplo, tough to say which one more
Book – Lego easy readers – specifically the 3,2,1 Lift Off right now
Song – “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, still
TV – “Mighty Machines”
Activity – Riding your bike, bugging your brother, puddle jumping and baking




You are still a little ball of energy. Energy that is hopped up on energy drinks…
Life with you is constantly on the go. There’s things to do, people to see, places to explore. You don’t believe in holding back or slowing down!

Preschool started just after your third birthday. You’ve been loving it. It’s been full of adventure and excitement and chaos. There’s 12 boys in the class of 18 children – and you’re pretty much all first / only kids so there’s a lot of head butting (both figuratively and literally!) going on in the class.
You’re learning to play cooperatively with others. You’re learning empathy. You’re learning so much.


You and Sammy have begun to get into trouble together. It’s begun much sooner than I was expecting… The two of you are going to be such a nightmare when you can start getting into *real* trouble together.
You love to play together at times (I’ll be honest, there are times I have to keep you guys 10 feet apart!) If Sammy wanders away from where you are playing or goes to nap without you realizing it, you’ll ask where he is because you want to play with him.


You are getting to be so creative and have an amazing imagination! You create all sorts of things with your lego and duplo. You go on all sorts of adventures to space. You can take a simple path of stones and turn it into a lava game.


It’s so hard watching you grow. I don’t want to say goodbye to these younger years. But at the same time, I can’t help but watch in awe and love. You’re so full of adventure and love. And crazy. Definitely lots of crazy.


One of these days you aren’t going to fit onto my lap and snuggled into my chest like you can now. But until then, I will keep on getting all the cuddles I can!


I love you, my little Monkey Deaners.

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016!

Here we are again, saying goodbye to another year. (Didn’t we just do this 12 months ago?!)


This year has been another great one for our family. It’s been filled with so much laughter, smiles and love. We’ve had many sleepless nights but that’s just par for the course, right?


Dean has been adjusting to his role as big brother. It’s been a bit bumpy as he learns to share and Sammy learns how fun it is to destroy everything Dean builds. But he’s enjoying his built in playmate and the two are having a blast getting into trouble together. Dean’s favourite thing to do lately is to get Sammy in trouble. The boys aren’t supposed to climb on their train table (but we don’t really reinforce it) and Dean will come tell me or Jason to come see something – he will be very excited and we come to the living room for what we think will be to watch his trick… Nope! As soon as we go into the living room, he shouts and points “LOOK! Sammy is on the table!” with glee, knowing he just busted his brother. A month or so ago, Sammy pushed the stool from room to room for Dean to turn on the lights. They giggled and laughed and shrieked as they turned on every single light in the house. Sammy loves his big brother and Dean is very protective of his baby brother when other kids get too rough with him.

Brotherly Love
Brotherly Love

Dean has grown so much this year. He is such a character! Every day he does something that reminds me how big he is but then when I give him a snuggle before I go to bed, as he’s laying there asleep, I am reminded about just how little he really is. This little boy surprises me every day with how much he is learning and has already learned.
He loves space, dinosaurs, trucks, airplanes, trains, cars, boats, mud, sticks, dogs, food, painting, dancing, music and anything else you can think of (okay, maybe not so much broccoli or the dark…)
He started preschool in September which has been monumental in his socialization. We regularly had play dates throughout the summer but it wasn’t structured in the sense of a free-play preschool is… If that makes sense. He’s learning to share and how to empathize with friends. The school is a parent participation and I am having a blast being a duty parent and going in with him once a month or so. It’s a terrific school and he has so much fun!
I’m about to start introducing a bit of structured learning time once a week with just the two of us. We’ll explore fun ways of practicing letter sounds and printing. We’re going to do more arts and crafts. And we’re going to get more one on one time with household chores being pushed out of the way and my attention on my biggest little man.
Dean, as he has been since utero, is still very active. He loves to move and pretty much never stops. He’s made leaps and bounds on his bike early in the year. He rides it pretty much every day when we go out – except if it’s raining or, like now, icy. He loves taking it to the skatepark and going up and down the ramps. He picks up on physical things very fast. And loves to try all sort of scary (to mommy) things!

Dean1 Dean2


Sammy’s year has been filled with many, many firsts. First laugh. First time crawling. First words. First steps. He’s growing like a weed. In one moment I will find myself thinking that this kid is so much like his brother – and then in the next, I think they are polar opposites. He’s definitely his own little guy, complete with a personality twice the size of himself, if not more.
This chunky monkey took his first steps just before his birthday but took another month to decide walking was worth it. He found crawling was much more faster and effective. He’s been a mover from the start, just like big brother. He was crawling even earlier than Dean was. And Sammy learned that moving on one level just wasn’t enough. He loves climbing. And it’s ridiculous how good at it he is! I’ve had to take him out of our top load washing machine on more than one occasion. Everything is fair game for this kid.
He loves to “go go” but loves his snuggles. We’ve had some challenges with his sleep this year… For pretty much the entire year. It’s been long and gruelling but we’re hoping now that he’s 14 months, that we can start helping him learn to sleep by himself and self soothe back to sleep.

Sammy SammyClimbing

This year was filled with many shared moments with friends. Our summer was filled with play dates in our backyard and at local parks. We made some close friends with moms and kids in the area. I love my little “mom village” with great resources and ideas. We do many different outings – from IKEA breakfast to local drop-ins. The kids love having friends to play with and mommy loves not having to pretend to be a tunnel for Dean’s cars, all. day. long.
We bought a trampoline early in the summer and it opened up the idea of hosting backyard play dates. I don’t drive so having friends come to us while having two little ones seemed like a great idea – and it turned out to be one of the best one’s I’ve had! We did weekly play dates in the backyard. The trampoline, little pool, ride on cars, sandbox and toys were a hit. The kids all had a blast.


We went on some great hikes this summer. Nothing too tricky as Dean was hiking it. He surprised us a couple of times by keeping up with us and making it nearly 5km on one of them! Sammy was pretty indifferent as he was packed around on my back but the fresh air made for some lengthy naps!


In June we went up to visit Grandma and Grandpa in the Yukon. It was a great visit – even if the long daylight (4am, bright sunshine…) totally messed with their routine. Sammy was waking up at 4:30a most mornings and so one day I eventually gave in and decided to walk the hour and a half to town to get breakfast while he was in the carrier to sleep a bit longer.


This summer was our first visit to the PNE. Dean went on his first ride and had so much fun! It was memorable and he still brings it up. The first ride he went on was a train that drives along a track, nothing special. The second ride?A bumpy, fast, kiddie roller coaster. Oh boy, the look on his face as it went down the first hill was priceless. I was watching with Sammy on my back in the carrier and I got worried that he would start crying but apparently, after he recovered from the shock of the first hill, he was ready to go again and again! He went on many of the kiddie rides – and we’re very excited for our first family trip to Disneyland in the next couple of years.


Halloween was a lot of fun. We went Trick Or Treating at Jason’s work a few nights before Halloween. Dean was very excited to run around and collect candy. Preschool had a dress up party as well. And then on Halloween night we went out for half an hour in his preschool neighbourhood. Dean was thrilled to knock on his teachers door and see the kids I used to nanny (and have since stayed close with) to Trick Or Treat.
Dean picked out his own costume (a pirate) and Sammy wore a sweater a very talented lady I used to go to school with knit for Dean during his Panda obsession a year ago. It’s not actually a costume but it was nice and toasty and so cute!


Christmas was busy – we ended up with the stomach bug that has infected everyone. Thankfully it left just as fast as it arrived. We lost a full weekend of Christmas excitement and events because of the stomach flu but we managed to make up for it! We had a blast doing all sorts of fun things together as a family.


The boys are taking after their father – they’re both little nerds! Dean and Jason love to play video games (okay, Jason does the playing and Dean sits and watches and bosses him around… but it works for them, haha!) It’s so heartwarming to listen to them building Kerbal spaceships together!




It’s been a great year. The boys are growing by leaps and bounds and we’ve loving every minute with them (okay, maybe not all – I don’t appreciate the 3am parties in Sammy’s room…) It’s so hard to believe how fast they are growing up to be little men.


Here’s to more memories and more smiles, laughter and love to fill our 2016. ❤

My Baby Is Not A Baby Anymore

Okay, I know. I’m being overly dramatic. But seriously… My baby turns ONE today!

12 Month Stats :
Height – *appointment is coming up soon for these*
Weight –
Head –

Favorites :
Meal – Banana with peanut butter (it totally counts as a meal!)
Fruit – Anything goes, but oranges are definitely a huge favourite!
Animal – You really like pointing out the cats that we pass on our walks
Toy – Blocks for us to build up and you to destroy
Word – “Hi” Your first word was “hi” and you love to wave… and say it over and over and over again
Book – Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Song – “If You’re Happy and You Know It” and “Uptown Funk” are big hits
Activity – You enjoy riding your bike and bugging your brother

Happy to be in the sand
Happy to be in the sand

Dear Sammy,

I’ll be honest, I don’t even know where to start. I don’t know if I should rave about what a wonderful little man you are or rant about the way you never sleep.


You’ve taken everything your father and I know about raising a baby and blown it out the window. You refuse to grow up in your older brothers shadow, instead finding your own place – even if that means doing everything the total opposite.


My pregnancy with you should have been warning lights for the fun you were about to bring into our lives. Long days, sleepless nights, months of teething, never ending sleep regressions, wrestling to get dressed or for a diaper change, having to baby proof… You’ve really done a number on us this past year!

Getting into trouble with your brother
Getting into trouble with your brother

It’s all worth it. So worth it.


You’re such a loving little man who enjoys kisses, snuggles and being up. You love to stroke my cheek as you drift off at night. You give me hugs when your unsure of your surroundings. You blow me kisses and wave hi when you walk (well, crawl) into a room and see me. You love to snuggle up and play on my lap.


You’re also a very adventurous little man who wants to see the world around him. You won’t pass up the chance to crawl through sand, scooping it up with your hands. You will climb the highest point you can access (or that you can reach before being caught)

Always climbing...
Always climbing…

You love to make friends – especially with anyone who has fruit. Many times at the park, you’ll go from happily playing in the dirt to trying to mooch food from someone in a matter of seconds.


While you aren’t fully walking, you’ve mastered a few steps. You’re so excited and proud of yourself – it’s hard not to encourage you to walk more!

Your first word was “HI!” and that’s also your favourite word. You love to greet everyone with a “HI” and a wave – whether they are coming or going.


You’re starting to understand more things around you. When Dean sits down to get his shoes on, you crawl over and offer me a foot to get yours on, too. I can ask you where things are and you point to them.


Part of me wants to keep you this little forever but the other part of me can’t wait for you to grow bigger so we can do more things.

You’re my sweet, happy, little baby boy. You’re our chunky monkey.

Sleepy snuggles <3
Sleepy snuggles ❤

We love you lots,
Forever and always.

Dean Turns Three!

3 year stats :
Height – 39.5″ (90th percentile)
Weight – 31.5lbs (30th percentile)

Favorites :
Food – Smoothies
Animal – Dogs
Toy – Any and all of your Paw Patrol toys
Words – “Another time” You were in a big “why” phase for a while but now everything is “another time” We will come home from the park and you’ll ask if we can go another time. I’ll tell you bath time is over and before I even lift you out of the bath, you will ask if you can have “another bath another time”
Book – “Where Do Diggers Sleep At Night” is on pretty high rotation around here
Song – “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars
TV – Paw Patrol. No doubts about that!
Activity – Riding your bike, building Duplo, jumping on the trampoline, helping to make lunch

Climbing the slide
Climbing the slide

Tomorrow when I wake up, Mommy, I am going to be THREE! I’m going to be SO BIG that I can touch the roof. I’m going to be SOOO BIG that I can drive Daddy’s car!

You’re three! You are no longer my little toddler but instead you have become my preschooler.


And with three, comes some severe THREENAGE attitude.

Life isn’t hunky-dory anymore. When something doesn’t go your way you get overwhelmed with so many emotions that they can sometimes leave you in a heap on the ground. It’s getting to be a challenge to get your feelings out – you’re starting to understand that there isn’t just “happy” and “sad” feelings anymore. There are suddenly 18032 feelings in between. But you’re having troubles to recognize these emotions and how to react to them.

Can we get a new Daddy?

Daddy and Dean gymnastics
Daddy and Dean gymnastics

Your imagination is flourishing. You’ve started to create rather than replicate. You come up with amazing stories about what adventures you and Sammy are going on (much to Sammy’s protest as you drag him along behind you) You make airplanes, cars, dogs and even a full construction site complete with crane and digger with Duplo.

War wounds
War wounds

You’re curious on how the world works. And once it’s been explained a few (dozen) times, you will then take the opportunity to tell US how something works.

Because I need energy. I drink milk and use the energy. When I have no more energy, I drink more milk. That’s how people work.

Preschool starts in a couple of weeks and you talk about it nonstop. You were told that it would start after your birthday and here we are, four days later, and you’re still waiting… You’re excited to play on the slide and in the house. You’ve been talking about your friends at preschool (even though you’ve only briefly met one so far at a park) and you’ve been talking about how me and you will get to play play dough (though I keep reminding you that I only get to go once in a while because preschool is for YOU) Let’s hope you’re still as excited for preschool when you realize that I leave!

Dean and Daddy time <3
Dean and Daddy time ❤

I love our snuggle time together. When we lay down before bed and just chat about our day today and our day tomorrow. About what you liked to do today. About what you want to do “another time”. I love listening to your sweet voice tell me that you had fun playing Duplo together, reading a book in the fort, sharing a snack at the park, jumping on the trampoline together or other things that happen. I love knowing that we’re creating amazing memories.


I want to keep you this small forever but I also want you to grow up so I can enjoy more milestones with you. It’s so bittersweet watching you grow. ❤




No More Soother!

Since he was a baby, we have had the rule that D was only allowed his soother when tired in the stroller, car or carrier, or when in bed. As he grew older, it was only in bed for nap or bedtime. In the past month, it seemed to be making its way out of the bedroom more and more…

So the weekend before last, we packed the kids into the car and went to Metrotown. J had to get a haircut so I took the boys on the train that rides through the mall (always a hit!) Afterwards, we caught up with Jason and went to Build A Bear.


Dean LOVES dog stuffed toys. He has six lovey’s that are all dogs. There’s Puppy, Other Puppy, Big Puppy, IKEA Puppy, Easter Puppy, Bunny Puppy, Wolf and now there’s Bolt, his new “soother puppy” that we built.

While stuffing him at the workshop, we tucked his soother inside. We talked about it on the way there, that we were going to put it inside and that was the end of it. He couldn’t put it in his mouth anymore but that he could snuggle it whenever he needed it.

He handled it well. He loved building Bolt and giving him a “bath” after. Dean carried his boxed puppy through the mall with pride. He even pretended to be a dog and carry the box in his mouth.


It went really well.

Then nap time hit. He brought Bolt to bed and cried that he wanted his soother. We told him that the soother was inside Bolt but that he could snuggle Bolt instead. Dean cried that he was sad. He’s been hit and miss for naps lately.. Usually only one or two a week nowadays. But every day he has a quiet time, where he has to stay in his room and play quietly, solo, for an hour or so. No nap happened that day – and there were lots of tears. I was a bit worried about how bedtime would be, especially with not napping and being extra tired.


The good news? Not a single tear over the soother since that first nap. No more soothers and no more complaints about it. Occasionally there is a comment about asking where his soother is, or asking if we can bring it with us on longer days in case he gets tired, but then I remind him he doesn’t have a soother anymore and that we have Bolt. He doesn’t seem to care at all. Phew!



It’s been long time coming that we needed to ditch the soother but with a newborn, we just got lazy and didn’t want another reason to not get any sleep at night!


Next up? Potty training (which is already slightly underway, much to my attempts to postpone it! Lol!)

Feeding The Monster

“He’ll start sleeping through the night once he starts solids.”

“Maybe he’s not getting enough milk and needs formula to top up?”

“He’s sucking his finger, must be hungry!”

“I think he’s hungry. Baby is putting toys in his mouth!”


Maybe I just take offence because I’m anxious enough already about if Sammy is getting enough milk. But those innocent comments are sometimes hard to brush off.

With Dean, I had terrible supply around 4 or 5 months, when we started solids. I dried up almost completely and I had to really fight to get my supply back around 7 months. It was terrible and I was terrified to have it happen again.

I struggled to keep my supply up again, but it seemed to be working. I’ve been weighing him plenty, to make sure he’s gaining. I stress to make sure he doesn’t go longer than 2.5 hours between feeds. I count how many times he has fed each day. I get disheartened when I don’t get anything from pumping (I rarely get a chance to pump when full, it’s always after feeds so it doesn’t get much, if anything) I get worried when he goes 12 hours overnight because my poor supply might dwindle down.


Sammy has had some rough nights (or maybe I should say he’s had some good nights as it’s been more rough nights than great ones…) and isn’t the best sleeper.

A typical night (for the past two weeks) is nursing him at 7pm, putting him to bed around 8pm and him waking and needing help to get back to sleep two or three times between then and when we go to bed I nurse him again. Then he would wake around 5-6am, I would go lay down in the double bed in his room with him and nurse him. We’d doze until about 7:30a when Dean wakes and wants freedom.

He will nap around 11am for 45 minutes or so, while we are on the go (in the stroller or the carrier) and then again at 2:30p for an hour or two. Sometimes even three, when he really wants to score brownie points.


We’ve started solids recently. He has only begun to actually eat them and no spit it out this past week. Sammy is still iffy on full-on solids but does pretty decent with purees now. We’re doing a mix of BLW (baby led weaning) and purees.

I’ve also caved and started him on formula at bedtime. After nursing him, we top him up with a 6oz bottle of formula. It’s not helping with bedtime. Which part of me is secretly thankful for – it means that I wasn’t starving him! We’re continuing with it because well, fattening him up is still good. If he’ll eat it, why not?!


He’s growing well. He’s gaining a healthy amount from month to month. And really that is all that matters!


[Six Months Old]

Happy Six Months Sammy!!


You’ve been growing like crazy since you were born (and before, too, of course)! It’s hard to believe that you are halfway to your first birthday already…

The day he was born
The day he was born

You’re starting to have more and more personality. You know what you like – and are very vocal about things you don’t! You’re always on the go now that you have figured out how to army crawl a month ago. There’s no holding you back anymore!

It’s been an amazing six months watching you grow, watching you and your brother get to know each other and to see you turn more and more into a little boy.


Six Month stats :
Height – 28 inches (90th percentile)
Weight – 17 pounds, 14 ounces (50th percentile)


You have two teeth, which grew in around 5 months. It was a bit of a long drawn out process with some sleepless nights but you were much happier once they were out. (And man, are they ever sharp! OUCH!)

You’re army crawling throughout the house. Nothing stops you anymore. You chase after your big brother to steal his toys all the time. You like to crawl over and grab the sleeping puppy’s fur in clumps.


You’re starting to push up onto your knees and rock back and forth. You’ve figured out how to move into a sitting position but you haven’t quite mastered sitting upright for long term yet – you’re attention span distracts you after a few seconds and you bail.

You love to stand and dance. You love to watch your brother running around.

Dean is your favourite person in the world, hands down. And he adores you. The two of you are going to be great friends – I have loved watching the two of you bond and play together.


We’ve just started you on solids. You’re not terribly interested in them but you have been starting to eat them instead of spitting them out. We are doing baby led weaning for the most part – real foods and you feed yourself instead of purees on a spoon. It’s messy but watching you try to figure it out and taste different things is amusing.


Every day I am reminded how lucky I am to have such a smart, handsome, loving little man. I love when you snuggle up against me before nap times or when you feel like a bit of extra love.



Now please, my little baby, please please please stop growing. ❤

Happy (half)birthday Dean! [2.5 years old]

30 Month Stats :
Height – 37.5″ (85th percentile)
Weight – 25lbs (15th percentile)

Favorites :
Meal – Pizza or pasta
Fruit – Raspberries or grapes
Animal – Dogs
Toy – Balls and trains
Words – “No-Wa!” (Translation : No way); “Couple while” (a couple of more minutes)
Book – Constantly changing, but currently you love “Road Work” by Sally Sutton; “My Truck is Stuck” by Kevin Lewis, Daniel Kirk
Song – “Happy” by Pharrell Williams
TV – TV show : Super Why! ; Movie : Planes (alternating between the first and second one, with WallE as a close third)
Activity – Riding your bike, building Duplo train tracks and reading

Reading at the library
Reading at the library


You’ve grown so much.

Every day you are becoming more and more of a little man. You’re always learning, always questioning and always exploring.

Climbing the slide
Climbing the slide

And always moving!

You still haven’t slowed down – you’re always moving. We can go for a bike ride to the park in the morning for four hours but within ten minutes after a rest, you’re asking where we are going next.

Riding by the water
Riding by the water

You are becoming more comfortable around strangers. You’re not shy with children and love joining in their games and asking to play with them. You still prefer the bossy 5-8 year old girls still, but you’re also starting to enjoy playing with 3-5 year old boys. You’re more than happy chatting away with adults we meet during our trips around town. In fact, just a few weeks ago, you struck up a soccer game with an older gentleman (about 75 years old) in the middle of IKEA and you *both* had a blast! You bring out the best in people!

You enjoy anything to do with dirt, trucks, trains, cars, construction, puddles, food and wheels – you’re male, what else needs to be said? Ha!

Many times on our walks we have to stop at a construction site if we find one to watch what is going on, to name the construction vehicles and to talk about all things they may (or may not) be building. (Hint : They are likely not building a rocket ship)

Rock climbing
Rock climbing

You’re a gentle and loving little boy. You enjoy snuggles and kisses – especially “sloppy kisses” where you lick our face, yuck! You’re logical and enjoy puzzles and building toys.


We’ve started watching movies a few nights a week. You tend to pick one movie and it stays in the PS4 for weeks – currently it’s Bolt. You’re amazing at your letters, largely in part due to SuperWhy! You’re learning sounds and how to write letters. You love playing I Spy on transit to find letters.

Watching the train go by
Watching the train go by

We’ve registered you in pre-school. It starts September 2015… I can’t believe how fast time has flown by. Pre-school, already?!


Every day we make new memories. You may not remember all these moments, but I will forever cherish them. ❤


Three Months

It’s hard to believe it’s been three months since you made your (late!!) debut.


We’ve had a whirlwind of a three months around here. The chaos is settling and we’re starting to find some normality around here.

3 Month Stats :
Height – 26 inches (95th percentile)
Weight – 15lbs 4oz (85th percentile)


You’re starting to be less blob-like and more like a little person! You love to smile, laugh and chat with us. You’re happy to be part of the action but prefer to watch it from a bit of a distance if it’s noisy.

Dean is your favourite person. You don’t smile for anyone the way you do for him! He gets the biggest smiles every time he gives you a snuggle (which happens a lot!)

You love our walks, looking around and gazing from the comfort of a carrier. You’re starting to enjoy the stroller now that you’re in a seat and out of the car seat. You’ve found your hands. And they taste wonderful. Those little fingers, as tiny as they are, love to reach and grab anything close enough – especially if it’s my hair!

There’s been a few big belly laughs but for the most part, it’s just happy coo’s and smiles. And shrieks of happiness (oh, and lots of frustration too, don’t worry!) You are a mover and a shaker but sometimes, just sometimes, you will melt into me for a snuggle… Right before kicking me and pulling my hair while trying to wiggle around some more.

You’ve learned to roll. Twice I’ve found you on your tummy when I left you on your back. And you’ve learned to use that head of yours to roll you from your belly to your back since you were only a few days old.

Happy Three Months (tomorrow) Sammy!

You’ve learned to scoot. I’ve left you outside the bathroom doorway while washing Dean in the shower. In a matter of five minutes, you’ve made it down the hallway by pushing your feet against the ground and moving backwards along your back.

Sleep is a tricky thing for you. Like your brother, you’re a good night time sleeper but have some troubles during the daytime. Right this moment, at 9:30a, you’re still sleeping from your 11:15p bedtime. But you refuse to nap during the day for more than an hour if you’re not being held. It makes for a hard day sometimes when Dean is needing extra attention or I need to get some things done around the house. You sleep great in the carrier though – thank goodness!

You’re gaining nicely! You were born a chunky guy and have just kept growing. I love your little thigh rolls (all, like, 12859 of them!) and your chubby cheeks. At only three months, you are already wearing 9 month sized clothes – which, unfortunately for you, is what size Dean was in during the summer at 12 months so we’ve had to layer you to keep you warm enough in these winter months!

You’re happy, healthy and gorgeous. ❤


Hello, 2015

Every year I try to avoid jumping onto the “resolution” bandwagon.

But it’s so hard.


I prefer starting things on the first day of the week, the first day of the month and ESPECIALLY the first day of the year. It just meshes better with my OCD…

So here I am, darting after that runaway wagon to hitch a ride.


This year, like last, I am determined to lose weight. Last year I had to put it on hold as I was pregnant in January and in order to be healthy and keep baby healthy, my midwife suggested that I could work on maintaining but not losing weight.

So I’ll be getting back to that goal. I don’t have a certain number I am looking at hitting by the end of the year or anything, but I would like to lose weight, get back into shape and feel more confident in the skin I am in.


We are working on budgeting. We’ll be crunching numbers and trying to pay off debts and save up. We’ve talked about moving (yes, again) but nothing set and not seriously looking into it yet. We’d like to move out of Surrey into a more family oriented area. I’m also likely not returning to work in October, when my maternity leave is over, as my wage would basically just cover daycare. So with that in mind, we have to adjust our spending to be ready for that loss of income.


As for a parenting resolution, I would like to spend more downtime with the boys. We tend to be always on the go in the mornings and then in the evenings I am doing laundry, washing dishes, making dinner or cleaning up. I want to have more relaxing moments with the boys. Playing more puzzles, colouring, reading and snuggling on the couch.


Do you have any resolutions planned for the new year?