As the Garden Grows, so Does the Gardener…”

Things have been sprouting up in the garden lately. Unfortunately, a good portion of it is weeds….



My helper and I picked almost two dozen radishes on Sunday (a few weren’t ripe but he was a little eager to yank things out of the dirt..) I replanted in the gaps and figured I would have a few more radishes to pull next weekend.

Not the case. Today I pulled another one and a half dozen radishes. And the seeds I planted just four days ago? They are already sprouting…

Radishes on steroids!
Radishes on steroids!

The tomato plants have grown like weeds. Check out the before and after photo! They used to be tiny, baby tomato plants… Now they are massive and I really regret not spacing them out further. Especially since now they are growing over the green onions and blocking their sun!

Before and after
Mothers Day weekend and Fathers Day weekend – One months difference!


My tomato plants were still blossoming last night when I checked on them, peeking around for fruit. I’ve been disappointed every time I check… But today, out of nowhere, I noticed TONS of little green tomatoes that are just starting to grow!


I replanted herbs (basil, parsley, chives, sage, rosemary and dill) as the ones I transplanted recently seemed to have all shrivelled up and died. The cilantro is growing and is tasting AMAZING. I really can’t wait for tomatoes and cilantro to be ready so I can make some of our favourite “not-tomatillo sauce” (we use tomatoes instead of tomatillos because they are hard to find in good condition) And the salsa I could make! Mmmm.

My cucumber plant has grown overnight too! On Sunday there was no sign of any cucumbers. And today I found a (skinny) 4 inch long cucumber growing!

I ended up tearing out my pea plants over the weekend and planting new seeds. They just didn’t survive their transplant to the front garden from Home Depot, the neighbourhood cat chewing them, the transplant to the backyard and my non-green thumb. They did produce a bit of peas before kicking the bucket but it was time to say goodbye and try to make up for the lost time with some new plants.

My assistant gardener – I pay him in strawberries and radishes…

My little helper is very interested in the yummy things growing in the garden. He keeps an eye out for red strawberries (and I’ve caught him eating a green one the other day, with a disgusted look on his face between bites…) And he’s been enjoying the radishes. Even Jason, who claims he HATES radishes and turned up his nose when I told him I was planting some in the garden has been eating them!

I wonder if I can get him to eat some of the dreaded peppers that (might, one day) grow in the garden…


Carrots, radishes and lettuce!
Carrots, radishes and lettuce!


2 thoughts on “As the Garden Grows, so Does the Gardener…”

    1. Thanks Donna!
      I’m pretty proud of my garden. Turns out I can grow food just as good as I can grow people. Thankfully in a lesser amount for growing people though! Haha.

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