The Diet That Lasted 2.25 Days…

So, remember that I was supposed to start Weight Watchers on Monday?

I started it.


And then, this morning, I ended it.


I did Weight Watchers years ago, for about six months before I got married. I enjoyed the ease of use, the app and the simplicity of it all.

I found it hard to get back into this time around. The app has some big flaws and with chasing two young children around all the time, I just don’t have time for that!

After chatting with their tech support, I received a refund and have parted ways.


I’m going to start up in the morning using another tested and true app to help me log food / calories. I used Calorie Count for a while and liked how it would show me my overall pie chart for fats, proteins and other nutrients. I could see when I was eating too many carbs or not enough protein. I could adjust my days to make my meal planning more rounded. It has a very easy flow for logging foods – and I can use weight to measure, instead of cups. Which really speeds up the process.

I need something fast, easy and effective. If I have to spend too much time on it, it’s going to get neglected. I’ve got too much stuff keeping me busy that I can’t spend all day measuring out my foods while my boys are terrorizing the house. If it’s complicated, I have no interest. If it’s not going to be effective because I’m eyeballing cups while trying get everyone fed breakfast, I’m not going to want to stick with it.


So while my Weight Watchers diet has ended, tomorrow I begin back on Calorie Count. I’ve still kept on track with eating today, though it was tempting to let loose at IKEA (their Mac N Cheese is amaze-balls and so bad for you) but I kept in check and kept my meals clean and portioned.


So, bring on tomorrow!



Bye, Bye, Baby (Weight)

Is it still considered baby weight when it’s nearly four years old?


I’ve been a baby-making / baby-feeding machine for more years than not recently. Between being pregnant and nursing, I have put on almost all of the weight that I had previously lost.

Before we married, in November 2011, I had lost 85lbs. It took me two and a half years, but I was at my lowest weight I had been since I was a child. Not a teen. Not a preteen. But a child.

When I got pregnant two weeks later, the weight immediately started creeping back. After eating at weight loss and weight maintenance for years, suddenly eating at a normal amount was a shock for my body and it held onto every ounce of delicious food.

Everyone claims that breastfeeding makes the baby weight melt away – WHAT. EVER. Nope! I continued to gain. I couldn’t lose weight, even while trying to eat healthy, smaller portions and exercised a fair amount. It just wasn’t happening.


Fast forward nearly five years since our wedding, I am still holding onto all that weight. And then some.


It’s time for us to part ways.

Before and After : 2011

Starting Monday, I am starting back on Weight Watchers. I used it for a bit towards the end of my last weight loss (for the last 10lbs or so) and I liked the easy interface and flexibility to have a treat here and there.

I’m looking forward to getting to a healthier me!


My next check in will be in two weeks from my start : check back in towards the end of June for an update!

Hiking with the Family

We loved hiking before our littles were born.

We didn’t do any of the crazy overnight hikes – only because we didn’t have the gear. The Chief was a favourite of ours. Even Lilo, our dog, did the climb with us (in my backpack for parts since she’s a corgi and couldn’t get up stairs very easily as a puppy, haha) It was hilarious – we would be hiking along and someone would shout out “HEY! I heard about the corgi in the backpack from someone up ahead!” She was apparently famous…

Lilo on the Chief
Lilo on the Chief

While it will be years before we do the Chief with the kids, we want to get the boys into hiking and enjoying trails. We try to keep to the shorter, simpler trails but D is quite an active little man and can handle a good hike better than me! Sammy enjoys the views from the carrier on my back and kicks and bounces with excitement.

Dean likes “treasure hunting” and helping us search for geocaches. Mostly, he just roams through the dirt, rocks and trees. He excels at getting dirty and tripping over his own feet. But he’s happy and content!

At the second peak on The Chief
At the second peak on The Chief
Nakalele Blowhole in Hawaii
Nakalele Blowhole in Hawaii


Our favourite hikes (that are little-leg friendly) are listed below, with links thanks to Vancouver Trails!

Lynn Canyon – This one has many trails in the one area. It’s a great go-to hiking place. You can chose between shorter hikes, longer hikes and anything in between. Best of all – there’s a suspension bridge which is a HUGE HIT with little ones. A couple of the trails are : Lynn Loop, Lynn Peak, Two Canyon Loop

Running wild on our hike at Lynn Valley!
Running wild on our hike at Lynn Valley!


Quarry Rock – I’ve done this hike a few times, pre-babies. It has a gorgeous view at the top! The hike is pretty simple.

View from Quarry Rock!
View from Quarry Rock!


Widgeon Falls – You have to take a canoe to get to this one, but it’s worth the adventure! We’re thinking of taking Dean this summer (probably not with Sammy as it’s only accessible by canoe)

At Widgeon Falls
At Widgeon Falls


Admiralty Point – This is a very easy hike (more so just a trail walk with very little climb) but it comes out to a nice little area for lunch and some splashing in the water.

Admiralty Point
Admiralty Point



Do you and your family have any favourites?